Wednesday 12 March 2014

Cultural Day aka PAINDU DAY

i started at Preston on 28th February. It was a Friday and my first class was 'college algebra'.
i remember that the whole class welcomed me warmly and at first glance they thought that i was not from Lahore. Strange! I thought. These people are just like me, whats so peculiar about me? Then I started to open up with my batch mates. i learnt that the whole class isn't exactly MY class since us BSCS students and the BBA students take 4 of the courses together in the first semester.

on Saturday we had Pakistan Studies. it is way too advanced than the subject i studied at senior Cambridge (O' Levels). everyone claimed that the lecture was boring and then felt sleepy in that duration because the name of the teacher rhymes with "SOYAA" ( to sleep ). but i actually enjoyed that first lecture.

we have sundays and mondays off. yay i had fun on the weekend. on tuesdays we have English Grammar.
the teacher is nice, supportive and full of knowledge. i found the class very interesting. on wednesday came the real deal. Basic Management. honestly speaking i never took a course of management in my early education but it all came naturally. even the teacher asked me if i had taken a management course or something related to it.  you can judge the amount  of interest i had in that first lecture by the fact that i gave a presentation on the very first day about Katz Managerial Skills and topped the lot.

on thursdays we have Basic IT, the real reason for which i joined Preston. the course outline is very basic but is still challenging. the teacher is young and full of energy so i suppose we'll get along just fine. in the middle of all this i came across a very unique and colorful poster on the notice board. it was a notification about some event called 'PAINDU DAY'. it said that the event will be held on Saturday 15th March in the Technology Campus of our university and the dress is desi and the pass costs 400 PKR bla bla...

at first i thought it was a joke. some sort of scam. that it is some trick the seniors are trying to play on the new comers. while i was giving the entry test ( a formality as the admission officer put it ) i overhead this senior Syed Tehseen talking to the admission officer about the arrangements being made for the event. that was the moment when i realized that it was real and i asked  the admission officer later what this was all about. she clarified that it is basically a cultural exhibition in which everyone would be able to express themselves fully in a very home like environment.

i am still struggling to decide whether i should attend this paindu day or not. i hope i decide soon...

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