Thursday 5 February 2015

English Is Best Taught By A Motherly Figure

Research shows that students learn languages from an elderly female teacher better than a male one. Since we learn our first languages from our biological mothers (or a mom) we tend to learn better from a female teacher in case of languages. I personally felt better learning from a female teacher when it comes to a language particularly English language throughout elementary, middle and high school. In college I can see that the students who have had a female teacher to teach them English language have better writing and speaking skills. On the other hand I think that mathematics and physics are taught better by a male teacher. Keeping in mind the primal brain capacities of men and women where men have better control of their cerebra than women and women have a greater grip on their emotions and contain the ability to feel deeper and more complex emotions. The sciences and specially mathematics which requires a lot of focus and brain power to understand require a teacher who has better control over their brain and are capable of makeshift intellect. Not that women can’t overcome their default and learn complex things like mathematics and science. Many women have shown to be even more capable of men when it comes to science. But learning mathematics is one thing and teaching it rather transferring one’s knowledge of numbers and equations to another mind is another thing entirely. On the other hand language requires a teacher who is affectionate and understands the needs of a student. Mothers are the first language teachers that a person gets to learn from when they enter this physical world.
Language is the basis of communication and requires being programmed into a human brain at the very core so that one can turn to it whenever in need. Since English is an international language or rather the international language. It can be said without contravention that English is internet’s language so we can say it is the most common language when it comes to correspondence and other forms of conversation. So special attention should be given to teaching it and I believe that it is best taught by a female preferably of an elderly age.